Writers Block
Wikipedia has a view on the subject that it “is a phenomenon involving temporary loss of ability to begin or continue writing, usually due to lack of inspiration or creativity.”
Basically when a writer, or artist of written works can’t come up with a solitary creative or original thought to put onto paper. Some guy named Arthur Hermansen seems to believe that writer’s block in-fact does not exist, but what we call writer’s block is actually a period we create because of our misunderstanding of how long it takes our subconscious to process our “creative thoughts.” My mind is working on it, but is taking longer than i, or society expects to.
So the issue is either impatience or stupidity. I am either frustrated because I want the creative idea, song line, or hook to come sooner than is practical, OR i’m not as good as i thought is was, and my subconscious is a little slow on the creative side.
Since i have moved to chicago, i have almost nothing. Last week i had my first good chorus pop into my head, and it seemed so long overdue. Its been stuck ever since. Hopefully I can get a demo worked up so you all can listen.
How do YOU get the creative juices flowing?
Doodling? nature walks? radiohead?
I’d love to hear your thoughts