Saturday-cathedral, czech food, worship service
We had a great traditional czech lunch of sourkrout, pork and dumplings (more like yeasty bread-not the dumplings we know) It was great, oh and the coffee was great. I ordered a cappacino today and they made it just they way i like it. Tonight was the first night of the conference. There was a youth band from one of the youth groups that started out the night in worship. It is very rare for a youth group to have a worship band. The average size church is 30-40 and youth groups much much smaller. The worship band was great, singing hillsong and passion songs that we recognized but in the czech language. A young man in a team from Norway preached a great message on sharing your faith. It really fit the youth culture here (I’ll have to explain more about that another time.) Then we did a worship set led by Pastor Jeff and myself. We alternated songs like “Your Name is Great,” “Let God Arise,” “Wrap Me In Your Arms,” and “Filled with Glory.” It was a bit hard at first since we are singing the songs in english and they are seeing them traslated on the screens in Czech, but we saw many joining in in english and czech. After our last song the crowd continued to clap in beat asking for “one more song” so we pulled out ‘i am free’ and they totally got into it. The place was going crazy dancing and 2-steping. Chester got so excited he had to put down his guitar to just dance. It was great. It is definitely somewhat of a challenge to lead them into responding to worship, but I believe tonight we accomplished it. Despite language barriors and the spiritual wall that may be around this city, God was praised tonight in the czech republic. thats a good feeling. Now to sleep and wake early again tomorrow. Oh, interesting side note-while it will be daylight savings time in america next sunday, it is daylight savings here tonight. Spring forward, Fall back, so I get not only 1 extra hour this week but next week too. I’m stealing time. Thats a song.

Pastor Jeff and me leading worship.